Friday, January 25, 2013

Fitness Friday: Where Did Your Resolution Go?

As you know, we have reached the end of January.  It is cold outside and people are plain old depressed in this kind of weather.  The excitement of the holidays is over.  All the Christmas decorations have gone away, and long forgotten till next year.  Sadly so are many of your New Year's Resolutions.  I am proud to say, mine has stuck.  Doesn't surprise me since I have been doing this same resolution for 2 years does make it a lot easier to stick with it.  For some of you, weight loss or healthy eating and lifestyle may be new.  Maybe, you slipped off the wagon and wish you could just get motivated to get back on.  Maybe, you only talked of getting on it in the first place but never got around to it.  Now is the time to re-evaluate your resolutions and goals you set for yourself.  This is a crucial time for New Year's Resolutions because it is the time most give up.  But you don't have to!  You can stick with it and fulfill your goals.  You've already put so much into it, why give up and quit now!  It is so hard to start over, so why do we ever quit?

For today's Fitness Friday post, I am sharing part 1 of some fitness tips from Bobby Flay.  Yes, you heard me.  "But wait, he's on Food Network.  What's he know about fitness?"  He knows a lot and has a lot of helpful tips for being healthy, fit, and making good choices.  He lays out many tips.  So many that I have to break them into two and maybe even three sections just to get it all in my blog.  To watch Bobby's fit clips go to

But if you don't have time to go to the site, I will lay out each helpful tip, one by one.  Remember this is just the first few.....more will come next Friday so check back!

*Start Simple – You don’t have to start off running a marathon or running at all, even walking can have a big impact.  (Park further away, walk whenever you can get in a couple minutes of a good walk even if it is in a parking lot or from one room to another.)
*Eat Early – To give your body time to digest, don’t eat after a certain time of night. 
*Portion Control – Try eating 25% less than you usually do.  The first bite is always the best.  After about 4 – 5 it is just ok.  Enjoy your favorite foods including carbs but just eat less of it.  Many people, watching their weight will starve themselves all day and then end up bingeing.  The best thing to do is to watch your portions, and enjoy the foods you love.
*Schedule Exercise – choose a time that works best for you whether it is first thing in the morning or in the afternoon and stick with it. 
*Always remember to stretch before and after exercise to prevent injury.  Nothing kills motivation more than soreness or an injury!
*Want it! – Remember how good it feels to push yourself and accomplish your goals.
*Plan ahead – Have some healthy go to recipes for snacks, breakfasts, lunches, and dinners.  Smoothies are fantastic go to foods!  Knowing you won’t blow it because you planned well, helps to keep you motivated and stick with your goals!  Remember to always carry a healthy snack on the go too!  You don’t want to be caught out hungry!
*Don’t let your exercise routine become routine! – A change up in exercise is good for your muscles and metabolism!
*Never exercise on an empty stomach.  Fuel up with a healthy snack or breakfast prior to provide lots of good energy during your workout.  You won’t reach your workout potential without energy.
*Keep yourself interested by engaging in new things.  Try a new sport or dance.  As long as it is something different you will stay motivated with exercise.  Don’t get bored with what you do.  The more exciting it is the more likely you will stick with it.  Also, when you try something new, you hit different muscles than what you normally hit in your regular exercise routine.

(The rest will come next Friday.....remember to check back and don't forget to check back on Weight Loss Wednesday for a new recipe!)
Maybe that will get you started or motivated to keep going.  Don't quit!  You are worth every minute you spend working on yourself.  You will be so glad you did in the end!  Good luck and have an awesome week!  My favorite quote I have seen this week is "Stay strong because you never know who you are inspiring!"  LOVE it!

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