Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Hello Again and Happy New Year!

Wow!  Before you dismiss this post, due to a lack in my posting lately, know that I have a new and faster computer!  My old computer got to where I couldn't use the blogger tools so it became difficult to post anything.....but here I am! 

I want to start by telling about all the things I accomplished in 2012!  First, my husband and I finally took our daughter on her first vacation to Myrtle Beach.  She absolutely loved the beach.  In September, I finally reached my goal of losing 100 pounds!  I, of course, did it through the online
Weight Watcher's program.  In October, to celebrate my weight loss, I decided to walk/run my first ever 5K called the Color Run!  It was so much fun!  It has been a wonderful year!

That's me 2nd from right after completing my first 5K.  Very proud moment in 2012!
Me and my daughter at the beach!
A before weight loss picture of me and.............
.....after losing 100 pounds!
For 2013, I have a few goals.  1.)  Sadly over Christmas, I gained about 20 pounds back so I WILL begin losing it immediately!
2.)  I want to lose an additional 30 pounds or more.
3.)  I plan to blog more often and keep you up to date on things.  I have a plan....thinking Weight Loss Wednesdays and Fitness Fridays where I will post something for weight loss each Wednesday and something about fitness each Friday.  I am hoping this helps to keep me accountable and can help you out at the same time.  Postings between Wednesdays and Fridays will be crafts and family.
(My daughter's 4th birthday is coming up soon and I have already begun making things for the LaLa Loopsy themed shindig!.....Please check back to see what I am up to!)
But for now......Here is an early Weight Loss Wednesday post!
Some things I have done to deter cravings (this could really come in handy right now since most resolutions are fresh and you have a higher risk of falling off the wagon.....remember it takes 40 days to develop a habit or break one....eating right and making good choices is a habit you have to develop)!  I recently saw an inspirational quote on Weight Watcher's facebook page....it said, "Success with weight loss requires backbone, not wishbone!"
When a craving hits:
*chew a piece of gum and walk away
*drink water
*drink a cup of coffee
*go for a walk
*ask yourself if it is worth it
*go try on a pair of pants you know are too tight
*brush your teeth
*take a nap
*eat fruit or veggies and wait 30 minutes
*journal how you are feeling
*read your bible for inspiration
*If you are still craving it, eat 1/2 the portion size with fruit or veggies and sip water between bites
Hope these tips help you out.  You may need to only do one or a combination of some to get through it.  The wonderful thing about Weight Watcher's is that you can still enjoy the foods you love and crave in moderation.  Nothing is off limits.  That is why it is the perfect plan for me.  Good luck in meeting your goals for 2013!

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